Koi Pond with Lotus Blossoms
Recreate an Asian koi pond with colorful blossoms on the water. You'll learn Korean chopkey (folding) techniques to make 3-D flowers, bobbinwork, and free-motion threadplay techniques to depic Koi fish and ripples in the water. Beading adds sparkle to this animated quilt wallhanging.
This jacket is featured on the cover of Rami's book Quilted Elegance (AQS). This cathedral window block originated from Korean wrapping cloth called 'Bojahgy'. Instead of using hand stitches that ancient Korean women used, students will use the sewing machine to create an elegant jacket made with cathedral window blocks only. Rami will teach you how to calculate a block size to fit your measurements.
No pattern is needed.
Elegant Cathedral Window Jacket
Machine Trapunto Applique workshop
"Kittie-Kittie" Quilt Wallhanging
You can make your quilt wallhanging 3-dimensionally beautiful using this fun trapunto applique technique all by machine. Add additional embellishment with beads, embroideries, and yarns for a splendid touch.
Interlocking Castle Tiles-Quilt Wallhanging
Inspired by an ancient tile wall., this exquisitely geometric pattern fits beautifully into modern quilting art. A traditional log cabin border contains the tiles and provides a perfect finishing touch.
Call : (916) 587-3411